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  • Grasshopper Sings Haiku

    ⠀An intriguing yet familiar sound resonates throughout the air, kindling one’s interest to find the source. And after a brief explore, the reveler is found among the burgeoning greenery, and a delightful brief moment in nature is captured. Basking in the warmth of the vernal sunlight, hidden among the blooming California wildflowers, a grasshopper sings


          Nature has taken a deep breath, and with gusting autumnal sighs of relief has shed away the heft of the year that’s now in the rear view. Tumbling away with strewn leaves are the remnants of days gone by. Storms have been weathered, dry spells overcome, and harsh winds survived, nature is

  • Nature’s Christmas Tree Sonnet

      The holidays have arrived, and nature has once again joined the celebrations of the season. Colorfully festive floral displays, joyous bird sung tunes, and bountifully budding blossoms of pomegranate have set the scene for Nature’s Christmas Tree Sonnet, by Marie Helen. Let’s take a moment to relax and celebrate with nature, poetry, and music.

  • Nature’s Thanksgiving Feast

    The day of Thanks is upon us, and nature tells a story of gratitude and growth. In Nature’s Thanksgiving Feast, a poem by Marie Helen, we see birds, squirrels, and small creatures alike, gather together to feast on a quintessentially autumn fruit, a pomegranate. A small part of nature’s bountiful harvest that has ripened to

  • Moth’s Moonlit Wanders

    During holidays and days of lighthearted celebration, nature joins in on the special occasions. The small moments of beauty are everywhere, waiting to be discovered and enjoyed. Like the dancing moonlight that attracts a fluttering moth, and lights the way for its nighttime travels in “Moth’s Moonlit Wanders” by Marie Helen. So to mark this

  • Summer’s Figs Haiku

    Green to soft purple Sweet velvet gems adorn tree Summer’s figs are ripe Beneath summer’s watchful eye, ripened figs have abundantly bloomed from bud to fruit, and filled the sturdy branches of the fig tree that sway to the summer breezes.  A summer garden’s fruitful sight that inspired this Summer’s Figs Haiku by Marie Helen. 

  • Orange Tree Sonnet

    Orange Tree Sonnet Amidst spring’s sun, fragrant white flowers bloomed;  Gracing tree limbs, then garnishing the ground.  In the summer sun, green citrus perfumed; Standing their place, unlike the flowers strown. To face the gusts of autumn’s rusty breaths;  The color of the sun’s glow they assumed.  Warming their seedy hearts, with zesty vests; Winter’s

  • Autumn’s Blissful Interlude

    Colors, scenes of Spring, in autumn’s dry dreary A welcomed reminder, of days bright, cheery Butterflies dancing, with affectionate flutter Softly romancing, atop dry, frosty clutter White as snow, light as feathers, whimsy in their glide A soft word, whispered secret, they share side by side Wild, pink flowers eavesdrop, basking in the pale sun

  • Seagull Haiku

    Let’s wrap up this Monday evening on a positive note with Seagull, a free-form haiku by Marie Helen. A poem inspired by the beautiful sight of a relaxing seagull perched atop a wire, seemingly pondering while staring beyond the vast land ahead. May this captured moment in time inspire you with serenity,  and may it motivate us